Movie ‘RAGE’

I recommend Listenning this music together.

This is the movie that today I review. Movie name is 怒り, this mean rage. This movie genre is kind of thriller like a movie ‘Gone girl’. But when I finished this movie, this movie more focused on Faith, love between people. Also this movie direct emotion meticulously.

In a digusting society, people forgot to express their rage toword a disgusting socuity. This movie has many main character, and they have a common feature. They are living in the society that full of aversion, and all of main character keep silence, or incompetent for a society. So their rage toword wrong way, is toword a minority group.

Hot summer in Tokyo, the couple was killed by someone. 1 year later, each three man appear in different city in Japan. One man is appear to lady who worked at horizontal entertainment. They are fall in love but the lady doubt him since she does not know about his past.

The another man is appear to man who is office worker. Also they are fall in love, but the office worker man doubt the man since he does not tell his own story.

The last man meets the girl and boy who are highschool students. Three of them make good relationship, but they do not know where is he from.

At climax, police open wanted photo who murder the couple to the public.

This movie give question about faith between people. And that make me feel the futility of life.

In addition, this movie ost make movie more dynamic. The producer of this movie ost is Ryuichi Sakamoto. He is really famous composer, music producer and pianist. I am his big fan so after I watched this film, I repeat movie rage ost.

Obsession from lack of love

What is the best part of your life? Nowadays , many people are focus on money also they do not know why they are following money. Beginning of this story, everything that we do has purpose. Even if we do not recognize it, that might be love. To make family, to protect family, remaining their family ship. Everything start because of love. Life require love every moment. Not only human but also animal. But finding and remaining love is hard work for everyone. Also that makes love more special. ’AI’ and ’one hour photo’ are movie that makes us think about life, love. Both of movie have different era also Al is kind of SF movie. Movie ’AI’ main character is robot. That robot programmed to love, and that robotic boy is adopted by a Cybertronics employee and his wife. Time goes on, the mother of that family burned baby. And the new family member often makes problem with robotic boy. After all, they take away the robotic boy. The robotic boy starts his adventure so that find the family. And Movie ’one-hour photo’ main character is an old man who lives alone also that movie is closer to reality than the movie ’AI’. The old man working in a one – hour photo developing lab in a small mall. He does not have a family, and the movie showed that he craved family. He stoking one family who is his customer. That is the beginning of the tragedy. Lack of love makes him ill. Both of movie have different storyline and genre, but they have some common features.

To begin with, Movie ’AI’ and ’one-hour photo’ have a different background. ’AI’ background is the future. The main message that the director wants to give us is technology destroyed reality. Nowadays, many people forgot about their real-life since technology helps many parts of our life. That gives many advantages but that can be a disadvantage. This movie shows technology destroyed humanity, and give the message that technology always followed with ethic. Movie ’one hour photo’ is a very different genre. That movie focus on reality. Nowadays, many orderly adults living alone. According to the DanIel B.kaplan(2019), in the US, nearly 29% of the 46 million community dwellings older adults live alone And some of the orderly people do not have a family. This happen makes them feel lonely so this movie showed this social problem. It is not only a US problem but also in other countries.

Furthermore, Movie ‘AI’ and ‘one hour photo’ have a different ending. In addition, in ‘AI’ many people ( robotic human ) helps him to find his way. Although that can not help him to fill a empty space, that makes him go on his way. In ’one hour photo ’ the old man stays lonely until the end of the movie. This movie depicts the relationship deeply than ’AI ’. The old man’s obsession from lack of love destroys himself. He starts to cheat his customer family because he wants he would be one part of them. That way is definitely wrong. However, it makes me very emotional.

Moreover, Both of two movies have many differences. Movie ’AI’ and ’one-hour photo’ era and background do not have any common feature. However, two main character’s have many similarities. The robotic boy and the old man need love, and they need someone who protects them.

The importance of family love for emotional well-being cannot be underestimated. The quality of family love experienced by a person affects them all the way from infancy through adolescence into adulthood. Also, they mentioned love, as it occurs in the context of family, is unlike any other. Loving and supportive family environment contribute to healthy emotions and behavior. (The Importance of family love for emotional well-bing, 2019)

This is the reason that they crave to be a family member. The robotic boy finds his mother until the end of the movie, and the old man cheats his customer family until the end of the movie.

In conclusion, After I finished these movies, I think about life. Money makes us happy, we can buy our house, food, anything that we need. However, money can not buy love and human. Some people argue that money can make a relationship. But that is fake and unstable. Both of two movies are different, but the beginning of the story, their motive is love.

Beginning of my blog

Hi guys, thank you to visit my blog. In this place, I am posting about movie that I saw. The movie is the best entertainment that can relay meaningful messages. Fortunately, in our 21 century, many kinds of movies are in the world. We can enjoy, and shared our feeling.

Movie have many genre. But specially in my blog, I talked about movie related about love, life and society. I am not a psychologist but I am very interested about people’s emotion since human’s life is more dynamic rather than unknown area.

This is my personal blog, so please respect my post and everything 🙂